Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color red, black, and pink
Hardness 3
Specific Gravity 2.57-2.64
Refractive index 1.53-1.55

Overview:  Coral is calcium carbonate with a trade of carotene. Its color ranges from white to red. It grows in branches that look like underwater trees. Coral is created by sea life or marine life. It is the skeletal remains of coral polyps. Coral is especially fragile. Protect coral from scratches and sharp blows. Also avoid large temperature changes . The coral traditionally used in jewelry is Corallium rubrum and Corallium japonicum.The most valuable colors of coral are red, black, and pink, which is known as angel skin coral.

Healing Power:  Coral is used in difficulties of the lungs and digestion. It relates to the circulation of the blood and to the heart. Coral helps restore harmony in the event of emotional conflict. It works against nutritional deficiencies, depression and lethargy.

Mystical Power:  Coral is said to cure madness and give wisdom. Coral is used to build an emotional foundation. Coral protects children. It aids in the safe crossing of rivers, passages through tempests. It excites nerve power, brilliancy and gladness and is a true health-giver. Note that coral loses its powers when broken.

Legend:  Coral is known to be used as a gem since prehistoric times. Coral has a history of religious meaning. Coral is one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures.

Occurence:  Agate is found in Germany,Uruguay, Brazil, United States, Mexico, Madagascar, Italy, Egypt, India, China and the Scotland.

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