Astha Astrology


Description:-This rudraksha is form of Goddess earth. Katyani tantra mentions that wearer of this bead gets health, strength and intelligence and prosperity from mother earth. Thus it is very beneficial for people dealing in real estate, or those who wish to sell or buy properties for themselves. If mother earth is pleased, She bestows many blessings. By blessings of Mother earth, the wearer always remains in abundance of health and wealth.

Katyani tantra also mentions that if this bead is worn by a lady who is unable to conceive or is prone to abortion, she is blessed with a healthy child.

For:Those who deal in real estate and those who wish to prosper from land/properties. Also for good health and for woman desiring to have children.

Mantra:"Om Hreem Hoom Ektatva rupe Hoom Hreem om"

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