Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Green, Yellow
Hardness 5.5
Specific Gravity 3.2
Refractive index 1.66-1.67

Overview:  The name 'Enstatite' comes from the Greek "Enstates" which means "An Opponent" referring to its refractory nature.It is composed of Magnesium Silicate. The most famous variety of Enstatite is Chrome-Enstatite, the emerald-green variety which is commonly cut as a gemstone. Enstatite is a relatively common mineral and is found in metamorphic and some igneous rocks as well as in stony and iron meteorites.Enstatite is an orthopyroxene or a pyroxene with an orthorhombic symmetry.

Healing Power:  Promotes loyalty, devotion, memory and channeling abilities.It is sometimes used as an ornamental stone.

Legend:  Rarely seen in jewelry stores this unusual gemstone is more for collectors than consumers. This stone does have a rather pleasing earth-tone brown color that is gaining popularity within the jewelry industry.

Occurence:  India; Burma, Tanzania, Brewster, New York, Boulder, Colorado, Jackson Co., North Carolina, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and Maryland, USA.

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