Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color green
Hardness 9 - 9.25
Specific Gravity 3.2
Refractive index 2.648-2.691

Overview:  Moissanite is a hard mineral that was discovered by Dr. Ferdinand Henri Moissan, a French chemist and Nobel Prize winner. Natural Moissanite is very rare and is limited to iron-nickel meteorites and a few other rare ultra-mafic igneous occurences. Moissanite is hexagonal, not isometric and therefore it is doubly refractive unlike diamond. Moissanite is also slightly less dense than diamond and is rarely perfectly clear of color, having pale shades of green. Moissanite in fact is sometimes placed into the Carbon Group which includes diamond and graphite.

Healing Power:  Moissanite has the potential for shimmering brilliance, fire, luster, and incredible hardness. It has many uses especially as an abrasive, semi-conductor and as Diamond simulants.

Legend:  Moissanite was originally born from a star. Dr. Henri Moissan, a Nobel Prize winning chemist, discovered minute quantities of natural silicon carbide while analyzing part of the Diablo Canyon meteorite in 1893. The mineral name became Moissanite in 1905.

Occurence:  Diablo Canyon or Meteor Crater in Arizona and as a trace in several kimberlite deposits and Placer deposits eroded from them.

Color:  Moissanite is clear and colorless like fine diamonds.

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