Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Red, orange, gray, and brown
Hardness 2.5 - 3.0
Specific Gravity 6.88
Refractive index 2.40

Overview:  Vanadinite is a Lead Chlorovanadate. It is almost always found in the oxidation zone of lead deposits in arid climates. Vanadinite is part of a chemical series with two other minerals, Pyromorphite and Mimetite. The name reflects its vanadium content. The high luster and deep red color give vanadinite a nice appeal to mineral collectors.The uncommon lead vanadate mineral vanadinite is an ore of vanadium and a minor source of lead. It forms brown, yellow, or red barrel-shaped prismatic crystals in oxidized zones of lead deposits.

Healing Power:  Creates a sense of patience and inner clarity during manifestation. Helps to balance women's reproductive hormones and menopause sypmtoms. Helps with throat problems and communication.. It facilitates circular breathing, treats exhaustion and bladder problems. It can promote order to ones life helping to define ones goals and to pursue these goals in an orderly manner.Enhances meditation and promotes the conservation of wealth or energy.

Occurence:  Arizona, USA; Mexico; Tsumeb, Nambia; Zambia; and South Africa.

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