Astha Astrology

JUPITER (16 years)

This is a period that always teaches something to the individual and it usually brings honor and recognition. It is a period of faith, hope and optimism when personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment occurs, including marriage and children. It is a good period for opportunities for growth, and teachers and guides will play a useful role. There is a greater sense of morality, ethics and conscience in this mahadasha. Top political, business and administrative positions are indicated, such as bankers, presidents/kings, and lawyers. If Jupiter is weak however, there may also be unrealistic, over-optimistic, arrogant attitudes, and a misplaced sense of entitlement. There may be bad teachers and guides who lead the person astray. If Jupiter is difficultly placed then good health and wealth may be withheld, forcing a deeper fulfillment. Such health problems could include lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, asthma, and diabetes. During this period the person may also meet people, or experience some random event that will change their life for the better.

Nine Antardashas (Bhukti or sub-dashas) of Mercury Mahadasha
Mercury Bhukti Ketu Bhukti Venus Bhukti
Sun Bhukti Moon Bhukti Mars Bhukti
Rahu Bhukti Jupiter Bhukti Saturn Bhukti

Free Astrology

Budha Antardasha | Chandra Antardasha| Guru Antardasha| Jupiter Antardasha| Mangal Antardasha | Mars Antardasha | Moon Antardasha | Rahu Antardasha | Saturn Antardasha | Shani Antardasha | Shukra Antardasha | Sun Antardasha | Surya Antardasha | Venus Antardasha |

Jupiter / Guru Mahadasha | Ketu Mahadasha | Mars Mahadasha | Mercury / Buddha Mahadasha | Moon Mahadasha | Rahu Mahadasha | Saturn / Shani Mahadasha | Sun Mahadasha | Venus / Shukra Mahadasha |