Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Green,yellow,pink
Hardness 7.5
Specific Gravity 3.1 -3.2
Refractive index 1.641-1.648

Overview:  Andalusite is named after Andalusia, the province of Spain where it was first discovered. Andalusite is a mineral, aluminum silicate, usually found in orthorhombic crystals of various colors.A unique variety of Andalusite is called "chiastolite". Andalusite is also pleochroic i.e. it shows different colors in different directions. This gemstone is a bit like tanzanite in that it shows two very distinct colors at the same time. Andalusite changes in color depending on which way you look at it, and on how it's lighted.

Healing Power:  Andalusite is hard and tough enough for most jewelry uses. Reduce anxiety, stress and guilt, lonlieness, depression and ysterious fevers. It helps us to become powerful and then to use our power wisely and for the good. Promotes business and career sucsess.Considered a talisman for the very psychic or sensitive as it is said to "ground" their energies.

Legend:  In the past Andalusite was sometimes called "Poor Man's Alexandrite" because it offers color play at a low price. Sometimes referred to in ancient texts as "Lapis Crucifer" or "Cross Stone".

Occurence:  Agate is found in Germany,Uruguay, Brazil, United States, Mexico, Madagascar, Italy, Egypt, India, China and the Scotland.

Color:  Andalusite is typically found in yellow-green, green, or brownish-red shades. As the andalusite stone is rotated, different colors and different intensities of colors can appear, including olive green, rich reddish brown, or grayish green.

Care:  Normal Care

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