Astha Astrology


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One Faced 
(Kaaju Daana)
SUN Ear, Eye, Head, Bowel, Bones, Asthma and TB. Immense power, Spiritual enrichment and worldly pleasures.
One Faced
(Gol Daana)
SUN Ear, Eye, Head, Bowel, Bones, Asthma and TB. Immense power, Spiritual enrichment and worldly pleasures.
Two Faced MOON Frustration, Sleeplessness and tensions. Mental peace, Spiritual progress and increases concentration.
Three Faced MARS Protects from Arms and Weapons. Ward off ill luck and purifies blood. Enhances Self Confidence and Physical Strength.
Four Faced MERCURY It minimises the malefic effects of Mercury like Intellectual dullness, lack of g.htmling and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication. Health, wealth and Knowledge. Enhances mental power, Sexual power, intelligence, Knowledge and attractiveness.
Five Faced JUPITER It sublimates the malefic effects of Jupiter such as Lack of peace, poverty, harmony and diseases pertaining to Lungs, heart and blood. Happiness and Eternal bliss. Attains success in all walks of life, gains Knowledge, Wealth, Power, Fame and achieves Goals.
Six Faced VENUS Hysteria and mental illness. Epilepsy and all women related problems Enriches the career path and helps in achieving immence professional and academic success. Also helps in fulfilling dreams and a very luxurious life.
Seven Faced SATURN Impotency, Cold, Obstruction, Chronic disease, scarcity, worry etc. Finance Prosperity, Wealth and Peace of mind. It also helps ward off fatal diseases and achieves longevity.
Eight Faced RAHU Removes diseases and helpful in betting horse racing and lotteries. This is used in worship and rituals. Wearer gets long life and becomes more truthful. It gives special talent.
Nine Faced KETU It controls and cures mental fatigue, lack of energy to materialize thought and features. It helps in fulfilling dreams and ambition, makes more energy and more action oriented.
Ten Faced  LORD MAHAVIRA Overcomes fear, Develops and sound mind and safeguard against evil influences and respiratory diseases. Helpful in Chronic cough and Asthma. Provides a secure and protective feeling. Helps in Spiritual field.
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