What is your Nakshatra (star) ?
You can find it from the table given below. If you know the longitude of the Moon at the time of your birth in your natal chart calculated according to the Indian/ Vedic system, go to the 3rd column and go down till it lies between the two values given in the row above and below. Your Nakshatra or star would be the one given in the 2nd column the one at the start of range of longitude of your Moon.
No | Nakshatra(Star) |
Names Starting With |
1 |
Chu,Che,Cho,La |
2 |
Lee,Lu,Le,Lo |
3 |
A,Ee,U,Aa |
4 |
O,Va,Vi,Vu |
5 |
Ve,Vo,Ka,Kee |
6 |
Ku,Gha,D,Chha |
7 |
Ke,Ko,Ha,Hee |
8 |
Hoo,He,Ho,Da |
9 |
Dee,Doo,De,Do |
10 |
Maa,Mee,Moo,Me |
11 |
Mo,Ta,Tee,Too |
12 |
Te,To,Pa,Pee |
13 |
Poo,Sha,Na,Tha |
14 |
Pe,Po,Ra,Ree |
15 |
Ru,Re,Ro,Ta |
16 |
Tee,Tu,Te,To |
17 |
Na,Nee,Nu,Ne |
18 |
No,Ya,Ye,Yu |
19 |
Ye,Yo,Bha,Bhee |
20 |
Bhu,Dha,Pha,Dha |
21 |
Bhe,Bho,Ju,Je |
22 |
Jo,Kha,Khi,Khu |
23 |
Ga,Gi,Goo,Ge |
24 |
Go,Sa,See,Su |
25 |
Se,So,Da,Di |
26 |
Du,Th,Jh,Yn |
27 |
De,Do,Cha,Chi |