Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color yellow, green, brown, gold color
Hardness 8.5
Specific Gravity 3.68 - 3.78
Refractive index 1.742 -1.757

Overview:  Cat's Eye harmonizes Ketu which is traditionally known as the "Tail of the Dragon". It is an aluminate of beryllium- a mixture of aluminum and beryllium having traces of oxide of iron and chromium. This is one of many stones that exhibit a phenomena effect involving a reflected line down the center of the stone when viewed in direct light.

Healing Power:  Cats Eye stimulates awareness and intuition.This gem will protect the wearer from all the types of mysterious dangers and diseases.Wearing a cat's eye increases physical strength, radiance, stamina, happiness, wealth and the joy of progeny. Protects against witchcraft and death.

Occurence:  India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Brazil, Myanmar, and China are places of Cat's Eye occurrences.

Care:  Normal Care

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