Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Light to deep green
Hardness 6.5 to 7
Specific Gravity 3.84
Refractive index 1.888

Overview:  Demantoid is the name given to the rich green variety of Andradite garnet. The gem was first discovered in Russia and the name is derived from its diamond-like adamantine luster. The name Demantoid means diamond-like, because it has a very high adamantine lustre, and a colour dispersion higher than diamond. Demantoid garnet is a rare and beautiful bright grass green sub-variety of andradite garnet. Demantoid garnet generally looks best under daylight. Incandescent light makes it appear slightly more yellowish green. Because of its high dispersion, demantoid looks great in the same type of lighting as diamond.The demantoid variety, which is remarkably rare, is the most valuable form of garnet. Demantoid is easily identified by its characteristic "horsetail" inclusions.

Healing Power:   Demantoid helps in the treatment of infectious diseases, blood poisoning, and heart and lung diseases. It enhance creativity and understanding, and brings success in business.

Legend:  In late Victorian times, and early in the twentieth century, demantoid became a very sought after stone. In recent decades, it has been unobtainable and has only been available from antique jewellery.

Occurence:  San Bonito County, California, the Piedmont area of Italy, Iran, Nambia, Korea, the Congo and the Stanley Butts area of Arizona. The original locality for Demantoid was in Russias Ural Mountains

Color:  Demantoid exhibits a range of greens from dull to bright emerald green and on rare occasions displays yellow.

Care:  Normal Care

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