Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color grey, pink, green and brown
Hardness 6-6.5
Specific Gravity 2.55-2.76
Refractive index 1.52-1.568

Overview:  The name "feldspar" comes from "field stone", because when feldspar weathers, it releases large amounts of plant nutrients, such as potassium, which enrich the soil. Feldspar minerals are aluminum silicates of either potassium, sodium, and calcium. It is a group of minerals related to each other in structure and chemical composition Feldspars are a family of minerals that include moonstone (adularia), amazonite, sunstone, and labradorite. Feldspars also tend to crystallize in igneous enviroments, but are also present in many metamorphic rocks.

Healing Power:  Feldspars helps one to let go of the old and embrace new exciting methods of reaching one's goals. It is a very useful industrial mineral that finds applications in making glass, plumbing fixtures, tile and pottery.

Occurence:  Feldspar occurs in the United States, India, Russia.

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