Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color deep red, also green, orange, pink and purple.
Hardness 7- 7.5
Specific Gravity 3- 4.5
Refractive index 1.92 to 1.98

Overview:   Garnet is a naturally occurring gemstone. Its name comes from Latin "granatus" meaning seed, because it often resembles small round seeds when found in its matrix rock.Demantoid garnet is a rare and beautiful bright grass green sub-variety of andradite garnet.Tsavolite, is a bright green variety of grossular garnet, its colour being induced by the presence of chromium.

Healing Power:  Garnet is an excellent assistance for blood deficiency diseases. It stimulates bloodstream and pituitary gland, relieves rheumatism and arthritis pain. Garnet combats depression and lethargy. Garnet also stimulates the spleen properly. Garnet protects against depression and impure thoughts. Cures fever and promotes good health.

Mystical Power:  Garnet should be carried close to the body. Its energy is balancing and peaceful. This stone of passion stimulates the sexual drive. Garnet gives energy and courage. It is said to encourage robust good health and sexual desire, enhance the wearer's imagination. Garnet symbolizes fire, faith, courage, truth, grace, compassion, constancy and fidelity. It also offers protection to the traveler.

Legend:  Jewelry articles with garnets were known already in the Scythes epoch. It was believed throughout the ages that garnets bring luck in love and friendship, and keep the enemies away from their owners. The blood-red color of the Arizona ruby and almandines gave birth to a belief that garnets normalize the blood pressure and help during fibrillation.Legend holds that Noah used the brilliant stone as a boat lamp.

Occurence:  Garnet is found in Africa, Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the USA (Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia).

Color:  Covers virtually all colors

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