Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Blue, green
Hardness 5 - 6
Specific Gravity 2.4 - 2.5
Refractive index 1.49

Overview:  Hauyne gets its name from a well renowned French mineralogist, Ren Just Hay (1743-1822), the discoverer of crystallography. Hauyne belongs to the Sodalite mineral group, which is composed of minerals with a similar isometric structure and related chemistry. It occurs in igneous and volcanic rocks. As it is quite rare and has beautiful color, Hauyne is highly priced. The mineral has been found in a typically beautiful electric blue as well as green, red, yellow, and gray colors.

Healing Power:  Hauyne facilitates deep meditation and can be used to journey back into past lives. Brings peacefulness and self-acceptance.

Legend:  It was discovered in 1807 on Mt Somma, among Vesuvian lavas, Italy by the French crystallographer, Mr. R. J. Hauyne (1743-1822), and was named after him.

Occurence:  Mt Somma, Italy, Tasmania, Australia, Eifel, Schwarzwald, and Germany.

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