Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color orange, yellow, red, brown
Hardness 7.5
Specific Gravity 4.65
Refractive index 1.745 - 1.759

Overview:  The orange variety of zircon is called Jacinth. Jacinth is a semi-precious stone that is also known as hyacinth. It is a lustrous orange-yellow, orange-red, or yellow-brown type of zircon.

Healing Power:  Zircon relieves pain. It is said to whet one's appetite. Zircon also prevents nightmares and ensures a deep tranquil sleep.

Mystical Power:  Zircon supposedly helps one be more at peace with oneself. Zircon is believed to provide the wearer with wisdom, honor and riches. The lost of luster on a Zircon stone is said to warn of danger. Jacinth helps rising one's self-esteem.

Legend:  The Breastplate of Aaron is believed to be the basis for the origin of birthstones and Jacinth is referenced in several of the ancient birthstone charts.

Occurence:  Jacinth occurs in Australia, India, Brazil, and Florida.

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