Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color green, lavender, white, colorless, brown, orange
Hardness 6.5 - 7
Specific Gravity 3.3 - 3.5
Refractive index 1.666-1.680

Overview:  Jadeite is one of the minerals recognized as the gemstone jade.Synthetic jadeite was first produced by General Electric, and the process now produces material of quite fine quality. Jadeite is composed mainly of silica and alumina, it's green color is determined by the amount of iron present. It is interesting to note that even if the overall color is uneven or low in saturation, jadeite can still be quite valuable if it has good transparency

Healing Power:  Jadeite is thought to promote long life and wealth. Helps to protect the kidney, heart, larynx, liver, spleen, thymus, thyroid and strengthens the body. It invokes wisdom, peace, harmony and devotion to one's higher purpose. It acts as an emotional release tool during dreams.

Legend:  In 1863, French mineralogist Alexis Damour analyzed bright green jades from Burma. When he found these samples to be different from what was called Chinese jade (usually amphibole jade, or nephrite), he named the mineral jadeite. Jadeite was used as a healing method by the Egyptians, as well as American Indians. It was considered a magical stone of the Aztec God of Fire.

Occurence:  Myanmar, Japan, and USA (Alaska and California). Nephrite Jade is from Myanmar, Russia, China and USA (Wyoming).

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