Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color shades of blue
Hardness 6.5 - 7
Specific Gravity 3.55 - 3.66
Refractive index 1.712 -1.734

Overview:  The name kyanite is derived from the Greek kyanos meaning "blue."The finest specimens display colors similar to blue sapphire.The mineral kyanite is an aluminium silicate of the sillimanite group (along with andalusite and sillimanite), also called alumino-silicate. Kyanite has the interesting property that it's hardness varies by the direction of the crystal. Kyanite sometimes exhibits magnetic properties similar to tourmaline.

Healing Power:  Kyanite enhances psychic imagery, foresight, consciousness, communication. Helps with receiving information psychicaly helps with manifesting things into reality via thoughts, visualization.

Legend:  The Greek word "kyanos" for blue provides the root for kyanite. French jewelers used the name "sappare" extensively when referring to kyanite, as a result of an error by a mineralogist from Geneva.

Occurence:  Brazil, USA, Switzerland, Kenya, Mozambique, Russia, Nepal, India, Burma.

Color:  Kyanite exhibits a range of colors including blue to colorless, blue-green and brown.

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