Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-

Physical Properties
Color | deep blue, purplish-blue, greenish blue |
Hardness | 5 - 6 |
Specific Gravity | 2.38 - 3.00 |
Refractive index | 1.50 - 1.55 |
Overview: Its evocative name is a combination of the Latin word lapis, or "stone," and the Arabian name azul, meaning "blue." Lapis lazuli is composed of grains of several blue minerals, including lazurite and sodalite. Lapis lazuli is a rock composed of a mixture of several different minerals including lazurite, huaynite, sodalite, noselite, calcite and pyrite. Lapis generally occurs with a speckled and strained consistency, with glittering inclusions of iron pyrite. The presence of iron pyrite deposits within a lapis lazuli specimen would indicate that is most likely authentic and has not been reconstituted.
Healing Power: The stone is said to increase psychic abilities. Lapis is said to be a cure for melancholy and for certain types of fever. Lapis lazuli eliminates negative emotions. It relieves sore throat pain.
Mystical Power: Traditionally believed to increase mental clarity, virility, and calm. Lapis Lazuli is energy focuser for teachers, lecturers and speakers. Enhances creative self-expression. It is believed to be useful in relieving depression and promoting spirituality. Lapis Lazuli is also powerful during meditation.
Legend: Lapis lazuli was created millions of years ago in the course of a metamorphosis, turning chalk into marble stone. Persian legend says the sky owes its color to a giant slab of lapis upon which the earth rests. The Romans believed that lapis was a powerful aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages, it was thought to keep the limbs healthy and free the soul from error, envy and fear.Lapis lazuli was one of the stones in the 'Breastplate of Judgement' of Aaron, described in the Bible.
Occurence: Afghanistan, Chile, Siberia, Colorado, and Myanmar.