Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color pink, peach, rose
Hardness 7.5 - 8.0
Specific Gravity 2.71 - 2.90
Refractive index 1.572 - 1.60

Overview:  Morganite is the pink variety of beryl. It is named after J.P. Morgan, a famous American Industrialist. The pink color of morganite is due to trace amounts of manganese impurities in the beryl structure. Morganite is typically associated with quartz, albite and muscovite, and can occur with other pegmatite accessory minerals such as garnet, spodumene, columbite-tantalite, lepidolite, amblygonite, tourmaline, petalite, beryllonite and other berylium minerals. Morganite is usually recognized by its form, color and specific gravity. It is distinguished from apatite by its greater hardness. The largest faceted morganite is a cushion-shape, about 600 carat from Madagascar in the collection of the British Museum.

Healing Power:  Morganite instills and nurtures love, gives patience and enhances one's communication skills. Raises energy vibration of emotional and astral levels, heals astral body and emotional heart. Morganite is considered the typical stone to be used as the antidote to cure the problems caused by hectic modern life.

Legend:  Morganite found its name less than a hundred years ago. To be precise, only in 1911, for before this the gemmologists considered "Pink Beryl" simply a variety of Beryl in general, and not as an individual stone.Thus in the year 1911 New York gemstone expert G.F. Kunz suggested to give Pink Beryl the status and standing of an individual kind of gemstone, and it was named in honour of banker and minerals collector John Pierport Morgan, thus receiving its current name- Morganite.

Occurence:  Brazil, Madagascar, California, Maine, Connecticut, and North Carolina in the U.S.A.

Care:  Normal Care

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