Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color brown, gray, red, blue and green, clear, orange, yellow.
Hardness 5.5
Specific Gravity 2.6
Refractive index 1.50

Overview:  Discovered by Obsius in Ethiopia, Obsidian is named after him. Obsidian is a natural glass. It is formed from volcanic lava that cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Nodular obsidian fragments that are transparent are termed Apache Tears. They can be naturally rounded due to water erosion and abrasion. Snowflake Obsidian has inclusions of the mineral cristobalite.

Healing Power:  A general muscle tissue healer; for bacterial and viral inflammations. Can be used for removing blocks to the healing process. Grounds spiritual energy into physical plane. Aids healing in the areas of blood circulation, warming of the extremities and accelerates wound healing. Provides strength and wisdom. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections

Mystical Power:  Obsidian is often used for gaining clear insight into problems. Obsidian stabilizes and is a chastiser.

Legend:  Obsidian has been used for thousands of years for toolmaking. In 1967 archaeologists working at the site of Tlapacoya, southeast of Mexico City, uncovered a well-made blade of obsidian associated with a radiocarbon date of about 21,000 BC. The Aztecs used a great deal of obsidian for tools, including sacrificial knives, the eyes of carving of their Gods, and even mirrors.

Occurence:  Hawaii, Japan, Java, Iceland, Hungary, Lipari Islands of Italy, the former USSR, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Care:  Avoid repolishing, heat, chemicals, and ultrasonic cleaners.

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