Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Olive green, pale yellow-green
Hardness 7
Specific Gravity 2.65
Refractive index 1.55

Overview:  Prasiolite is also known as Vermarine, and is quite simply Green Quartz. Prasiolite does not occur naturally. It is produced by heating Amethyst or Citrine from certain Brazilian localities. Prasiolite is sometimes confused with Green Beryl, Peridot and Tourmaline.

Healing Power:  Prasiolite is ideal for everyday wear and as an inexpensive gem variety, is perfect for a wide variety of applications and usage. It is said to facilitate the linking of physical and spiritual.htmlects of life and to strengthen mind, emotions and will. It is a very popular gemstone with exclusive usage as jewelry embellishment.

Legend:  Being a relatively rare gemstone, Prasiolite comes into existence when certain Amethysts from the Montezuma deposit in Brazil are exposed to heat that elicits their green color.

Occurence:  Brazil and Arizona (USA).

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