Astha Astrology

Compatibility, Meaning, Benefits, Characteristics, Healing & Effects in Astrology & Horoscope by date of birth of :-


Physical Properties

Color Blue, violet
Hardness 6 to 7
Specific Gravity 3.35
Refractive index 1.691-1.700

Overview:  Tanzanite was first discovered in Tanzania in 1967 and was named after its country of its origin, Tanzania.Tanzanite is basically the Blue variety of "Zoisite", and mined in Tanzania just below the majestic Mount Kilamanjaro.Tanzanite is a trichroic gemstone, meaning that it exhibits one of three colors depending on which way the crystal is viewed. Tanzanite will always shift color when the viewing environment is switched from daylight or daylight-fluorescent to incandescent lighting. Tanzanite is a beautiful gem, but with moderate hardness and perfect cleavage, it is less than ideal for wearing in jewelry. Tanzanite does not "bleed" color, it changes color, losing nothing in the way of saturation.This hue-shift is characteristic and breathtaking, and partly defines the beauty of the stone.

Healing Power:   It helps expand our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair, skin. Helps the body to absorb zinc, restores consciousness, clears toxins that can cause skin disorders.

Legend:  Tiffany & Co. of New York named this gemstone and introduced it to the world in 1969.A very large tanzanite (122.7 carats) may be seen at the Natural History Museum in Washington DC.

Occurence:  Kenya ,Tanzania, and Pakistan.

Color:  Tanzanite has naturally occurring shades of blue, green, yellow, pink, brown and khaki but virtually all gemstone quality crystals are heat treated to produce the highly valued shades of sapphire blue, amethyst and blue violet.

Care:  Normal Care, gentle handling

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